The Sassy Christmas Tree – Blogmas Day 3

After longingly peeking in house windows now for the last week, I finally pulled myself together, grabbed my friend K and hit up the shops for some new holiday decorations for my “Christmas tree,” also known as a potted plant that resides in the corner of our living room.

I abandoned trying to squeeze a full-size tree into my tiny apartments ages ago. In fact, I haven’t owned a proper Christmas tree since I lived up north!

In a prime example of “size isn’t everything” I adopted my cute little potted weeping pine tree as my own bitty holiday herald. This year, seeing as all my old decorations officially called it quits, I needed some new bits and bobs to spruce up my pine tree.

Perhaps it was my mood, but I was feeling inspired to adopt a theme for the first time ever! So we bounced through store after store picking up red, silver and white decorations to adorn my little tree.

Even my shopping buddy adopted the holiday spirit and decided to put up a beach themed tree! See? The holiday spirit is a-catchin’!

After playing some of my favorite Christmas tunes and taking advantage of the now, seemingly constant holiday movies on TV, I pulled together what I think is a really charming little tree.


Glittering red icicles hang, quite literally from every branch…

Sparkling_Red_IciclesTiny bells tinkle here and there…

Jingle_bell_ornamentsAnd bigger baubles are strategically placed around the tree…

Ball_OrnamentsAll wrapped with a sparkling silver ribbon like a big gift.

Ribbon-wrapped-treeAnd because K talked me into getting this completely non-themed and hilariously odd ornament, my tree is just the slightest bit sassy.

Weiner_Dog_OrnamentAll lit up, it’s a real tree-t for the eyes.

BeBright_andSassyDo you have a sassy tree too? I highly recommend them.

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    1. Thank you! I think I should name the little dog. Any suggestions? 😉

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